
N.T.R. Nagar, L.B. Nagar, Hyderabad - 500074.


SPOT Notification and Non Reported List LL.M SPOT NOTIFICATION

Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

1.Strict regularity, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and personality is expected from each student.

2.Regular Attendance is required

3.Disobedience, indiscipline and objectionable moral influence inside and outside of the Law College would justify the dismissal of the student from the Law College.

4.Each Student is required to attend the written/oral tests/seminars/legal-aid clinics/court visits and other occasions without fail or any excuse.

5.The LL.B./LL.M. Degrees in the Faculty of Law will be conferred on a candidate by the Osmania University who had pursued a regular course of study for three academic years (six semesters) / five academic years (Ten Semesters) / Two years (Four Semesters) as prescribed in the scheme of instruction by the Osmania University and passed in all Examinations.

6.A regular course of study for eligibility to appear at the LL.B., Examination of a Semester means putting an attendance of not less than 75% aggregate lectures, in subjects listed in the scheme of instructions. In special cases and for sufficient cause shown, the Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendation of the Principal, may condone the deficiency not exceeding 10% in attendance on medical grounds when the application submitted is supported by a certificate from an authorised Medical Officer, and approved by the Principal. The applicant has to pay the prescribed fee for condonation in attendance on medical ground.

7.In any Semester of the LL.B., Course, if any candidate fails to secure the minimum percentage of attendance, shall not be eligible to appear the Examination of that Semester, and he has to enroll himself to undergo afresh a Regular Course of study of the corresponding semester in a subsequent academic session, in order to become eligible to appear for the Examination.

8.Attendance of the candidate shall be reckoned from the date of commencement of instruction as specified by Almanac of the Osmania University. The candidates who are eligible for promotion from LL.B., I year to II year and from LL.B., II year to III year shall renew their admission by submitting the Renewal Application form along with the prescribed Tution fee within the specified time.

9.The Principal shall display cumulative attendance at the end of every month in order to enable the student to know their attendance.

10.Instruction in prescribed subjects shall be given by the Law College according to the scheme of instruction and syllabi as prescribed by the Osmania University.

11.The medium of instruction and Examination shall be English.

12.At the end of each Semester, Osmania University conducts Examination.

13.Backlog Papers Examinations shall be conducted only at the end of each year only.

14.A candidate shall be deemed to have passed the Semester Examination if he secures not less than 45% of marks in each paper.


Candidates who pass all the papers of the LL.B.,/LL.M.,Degree Course shall be awarded Divisions in accordance with the total aggregate of marks secured by them in all the Semester Examinations taken together.

1.Ist Class with Distinction : 70% and above

2. Ist Class : Above 60% and below 70%

3. IInd Class :above 50% and below 60%

4. Pass Division : Above 40% and below 50%

The students who have not passed the Examinations in the first attempt along with the batch in which they were admitted are not eligible for getting Rank Certificates/Gold Medals/Prizes.

16.Rules of improvement of Division as prescribed by the Osmania University will be followed

17.General Rules of Examinations:

(a) Application for permission to appear at every semester LL.B./LL.M. Examination shall be made by the student on the prescribed form along with the necessary certificates and the prescribed fee before the date fixed for this purpose.

(b) When a student’s application form is found in order the Controller of Examinations, will issue Hall Ticket to the Principal of the College who will issue Hall Ticket to the student. It shall have to be produced by the Candidate before he can be admitted to the premises where the Examination is conducted.

(c) A student after having been declared successful in all the Semester Examination papers of the course, shall be given a Certificate setting forth the year of Examination, the subjects in which he was examined and the Division secured.

(d) No student shall be allowed to pursue more than one Degree Course simultaneously.

18.Award of Prize, Distinctions and Medals will be decided by the Osmania University as per the rules and conditions prescribed.

19.SC/ST/BC/Minority/Physically handicapped Scholarships are awarded by the Social Welfare and Tribal Welfare Departments of Government. The Certificate of Income as prescribed by the Government of State and Central shall have to be submited from time to time. The Scholarship holders are required to put in not less than 75% of attendance for award of Scholarship.