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Moot Court

Moot Court Area

A moot court is an extracurricular activity at many law schools in which participants take part in simulated court proceedings, which usually involves drafting briefs (or memorials) and participating in oral argument. The term derives from Anglo-Saxon times, when a moot (gmot or emot) was a gathering of prominent men in a locality to discuss matters of local importance.The modern activity differs from a mock trial, as moot court usually refers to a simulated appellate court or arbitral case, while a mock trial usually refers to a simulated jury trial or bench trial. Moot court does not involve actual testimony by witnesses, cross-examination, or the presentation of evidence, but is focused solely on the application of the law to a common set of evidentiary assumptions to which the competitors must be introduced. In most countries, the phrase "a moot court" may be shortened to simply "a moot" and the activity may be called "mooting".

Mahatma Gandhi Law College from its inception strongly proposed the cause of having moot courts, so that we would be able to impart practical knowledge apart from the theory that is learnt in class. In order to put theory into practice Moot Court is a very essential tool for a law student. The College has a very good and well-furnished Moot court hall in the college campus helping students to simulate what happens in actual court of Law. In order to improve competitiveness and also to stay ahead among peers, Mahatma Gandhi Law College conducts various state and national level moot court competitions inviting students from other colleges to compete one another in a moot court competitions. Students of this college have at various Moot Court competitions in the state and country, and proving they are second to none in this field. Some of the competitions held in this college are listed below.


First Telangana State level Moot court competition 2015

Mahatma Gandhi Law college is the first college in the newly formed Telangana state to conduct a state level moot court competition for the law students studying in Telangana state. Students from Law colleges across the Telangana state participated in this competition. The Competition was flagged off by Justice C. Praveen Kumar Judge High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad, Sri S K Karvendhan Member National Commission for Backward classes and Senior Advocate Sri G. VidyaSagar. Students from various law colleges participated enthusiastically in order to win the coveted price of the being the best team. The final of the competition was Judged by High Court Judges Justice A V SeshaSai and Justice B. Siva SankaraRao along with Prof V R Krishnayya, Dean Sri Venkateshwara University.


Twin Cities moot court competition 2014

Mahatma Gandhi Law college conducted the twin cities moot court competition, inviting students from the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad to participate in the competition. Students from Law colleges from both cities participated in the competition in order to win the title of the best team. Judges from High Court of Andhra Pradesh Justice L. Narasimha Reddy and Justice NootyRamamohanaRao consented to be the judges for the final of the competition.


Moot Court Competition 2009

Hon'ble Sri Justice B.Sesha Sayana Reddy, Judge Andhra Pradesh High Court and Prof. Y. Satyanarayana, Vice Chancellor, A.P. Law University, acting as Judges in Finals of A.P. State Law Colleges Moot Court Competition 2009 conducted inthis college...


Moot Court Competition 2008

Hon'ble Justice Shri P. Swaroopa Reddy, Judge A.P. High Court & Hon'ble Justice Shri C.v. Ramulu, Judge A.P. High Court acting as the Judges in the final of Twin Cities Law colleges Moot Court Competition March 2008 in this College.