
N.T.R. Nagar, L.B. Nagar, Hyderabad - 500074.


SPOT Notification and Non Reported List LL.M SPOT NOTIFICATION

Foot Prints of the College

Mr. Rajath Benarjee, student of LL.B. of this college stood first in the P.G. Lawcet, 2015 of the state of Telangana.

In April 2015, the college got the distinction of being the first Law College in the state of Telangana to conduct the first Telangana State Level Moot Court Competition.

In February 2014 Mr. Raj Bhala, the Associate Dean for the International & Comparative Law and also the Rice Distinguished Professor, Kansas University School of Law USA is pleased to visit this College.

In January 2014 the College conducted its Alumni Meet.

In April 2014 the College conducted the Twin Cities Moot Court Competition.

In August 2014 our College students participated in First KG Kannabiran Moot Court competition in Hyderabad.

In March 2013 6 Students of this college won gold medals for their out standing performance in the LL.B. examinations of the Osmania University.

In April 2013 the college conducted a seminar on Right to Information in association with ETV.

In April 2013, Mr. Surya Theja Bheema, the student of 5 YDC of this College presented a Paper on International Terrorism in a Conference organized by the International Jurists in New Delhi.

Conducted Andhra Pradesh State Law Colleges Moot Court Competition in February 2009.

Conducted Twin cities Law Colleges Moot Court Completion in March 2008.

The College has permanent Legal Aid Clinic, established by District Legal Services Authority, Ranga Reddy District. This is first of its kind in the State in any Law College.

The students of this college participated in International, National and South India Moot Court Competitions.

The students of this college stood first in the Twin Cities Moot Court Competition conducted by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Law College, Hyderabad in 2012. The students of this college also participated in Gujarath National Law University Moot Court completion 2010. And also the students participated in the International arbitration Moot Court competition 2011 conducted by NLSIU, Bangalore.

Mr. D. Venkata Raghu Vamsi, Student of this college Won merit certificate of Top 10 Candidates in IV NLISU – Nani A Palkiwala Taxation Law essay competition 2011.

Achieved the position of the most preferred Law College in Andhra Pradesh in a survey conducted by the Week, popular English magazine in 2010.

India Today – ORG MARG Survey (2004) Ranked this Mahatma Gandhi Law College Hyderabad as Top – 8th Law College in India among Top – 10 Law Colleges in India.

The student of this College, Mr. K.Karam Chand (LL.B., 5 YDC) was adjudged as “South India Best Student Advocate” in the South Indian Moot Court Competition held in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, in the Year 2002.

The student of this College, Mr. P. S P Suresh Kumar (LL.B., 5 YDC) was adjudged as “South India Best Student Advocate” in the South Indian Moot Court Competition held in Rajahmundy, Andhra Pradesh, in the Year 2002.

The students of this college got the prize for Best Written Memorial in Twin Cities Moot Court Competitions, 2014 and 2008.

Mr. D. Raghu Vamsee the student of LL B 5 YDC of this College completed his LL.M. degree in Cardiff Law School in U K in 2012-2013 under able guidance of Prof. Robert (Bob) Lee in International Commercial Law.

Conducted Legal Aid and Literacy camps in Shailibanda, Hyderabad (1998), Bibinagar, Nalgonda Dist. (1998), Thurkyamzal, Ranga Reddy Dist (2001), Koheda, Ranga Reddy Dist,(2002) and Gajula Ramaram, Ranga Reddy Dist. (2003).

Several Students of this college are practicing as Advocates in Supreme Court of India,High Court and also in the Courts of U.S.A.,and U.K.